“JESSICA DOES HER HOMEWORK, LISTENS TO HER CONSTITUENTS AND ACTS WITH COMPASSION AND FAIRNESS. As a woman, a mother, an educator and a committed public servant, she is the most qualified candidate to lead Frederick County forward so that all our citizens may thrive.”
-MYRNA WHITWORTH, Frederick County Democratic Central Committee, Past Chair

“Jessica has proven her support for education, sustainability and controlled growth. She is willing to look for new answers to old questions and always keeps her constituents' needs in mind. Jessica understands issues and does her homework before a vote.
SHE HAS EXPERIENCE IN GOVERNMENT AND REALIZES THE PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT IS TO MAKE PEOPLE’S LIVES BETTER. Jessica has earned my trust, and I believe she is our best choice for County Executive.”
- DONNA KUZEMCHAK, City of Frederick Alderwoman
“JESSICA IS THE PROBLEM-SOLVING PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE THAT WE NEED RIGHT NOW. Her experience as an educator and on the County Council make her an ideal County Executive.”
ANDY ST JOHN, Brunswick City Council
“HONEST, HARD WORKING! Listens to issues that are important to Frederick County Citizens, and represents to the best of her ability.”
SERINA ROY, Owner - Dublin Roasters Coffee, Inc.
“JESSICA HAS BEEN THE KIND OF LEADER WHO TRULY HAS VALUES AND STANDS UP FOR THEM. I think she is the best candidate who can understand different perspectives and make balanced decisions for the benefit of all of us who live in this County.”
LISETTE COLON, Community Advocate, Owner- Bella Balloons