Jessica Fitzwater’s leadership will bring people together to make Frederick County a safer and more prosperous place to live, work, and raise a family
As a two-term leader on the County Council, I’ve brought people together to focus Frederick County on actions that put people first – increasing affordable housing, ending human trafficking, repealing a racist English-only ordinance, protecting our environment, investing in education, prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ+ residents, and giving voters a greater voice in government decision making. As County Executive, I’ll continue to work for everyone. Here’s more about my vision for Frederick County:
Trust in Government | Affordable Housing & Smart Growth | Education | Economic Development & Jobs | Public Safety | Environment & Climate | Health & Public Services | Community Values & Quality of Life
Trust in Government
We need a government that is above the partisan fray and stays focused on the people of Frederick County during these unprecedented times. If elected I will stay focused on Frederick County. As a Council Member known for listening and independent thinking, I know we can accomplish so much here in Frederick County, but only by building trust in our local decision-makers through meaningful public engagement. This means more than just an invitation to people to have a “voice at the table” – it requires creating a space to build the table together with the public.
• Place a high value on our public boards and commissions as an opportunity to gather input and feedback on critical issues facing our community
• Commit to transparent government by enhancing open data and access to information
• Improve communication between the executive and legislative branches and the public at large
• Fight to ensure the civil rights of the people of Frederick County, and protect them from attacks on their basic rights and liberties.
Affordable Housing & Smart Growth
Growth is often discussed in all-or-nothing terms. But that is not reality. Embracing our growing and changing community is paramount to our county’s future success. We can preserve agriculture while incentivizing best practices that improve soil quality. We can welcome new residents and businesses while utilizing smart growth policies that ensure good schools, create an inclusive community, and protect public health. And we can build climate resilience while providing new workforce development and green jobs.
• Focus on small businesses and the 40% of Frederick County households that do not meet a survival budget with expanded property tax credits, sustained action on the cost of living, and a long-term focus on bringing more high-paying jobs to Frederick County
• Accommodate new residents and businesses while utilizing smart growth policies that enhance our quality of life and protect public health
• Hold developers accountable, including sharing the costs of new schools, roads, and infrastructure
• Bring community leaders, environmentalists, and builders together to protect local forests and prioritize housing people can afford
Frederick County Public Schools receive less funding per child than any other county in Maryland–and that hurts our kids. As a teacher at Oakdale Elementary for over 16 years, my direct classroom experience provides essential insights into improving our schools.
Frederick County’s teacher shortage means children and their families bear a burden that weighs us down. A teacher shortage creates a snowball effect. Fewer good teachers make the job harder, so more teachers leave. I can’t tell you how many colleagues have come to me saying, “I love the kids, but I just can’t handle another year like this.” As a teacher, it breaks my heart because the kids are the ones who lose the most. Large class sizes deprive schoolchildren of individual time with their teachers. Budgets don’t leave room for enough specialists like mental health professionals. That leaves parents on their own as they help their children through difficult formative years.
• Invest in education and improve our county’s relationship with the state to increase school funding and teacher pay to attract the best teachers around
• Demand the share of school funding our growing county deserves by improving our relationship with the State
• Invest in specialists, like social workers and other mental health professionals to identify and address roadblocks to student success
• Attract the best educators to Frederick County by increasing school funding and teacher pay
• Recognize that stronger schools and successful students lead to stronger business investments and more high-paying jobs
Economic Development & Jobs
The people of Frederick County need an economy that works for everyone. As County Executive, I will work every day to create that for all the people of Frederick County. With Frederick County's proximity to two major metropolitan areas, a well-educated workforce because of our strong schools, and a base of high-tech, health services, agriculture, and manufacturing, we are competitive in attracting and retaining businesses. Our Office of Economic Development has helped bring thousands of jobs to Frederick County, even during COVID-19. Our turbo fast-track permitting has attracted major employers like Ellume, Kite Pharma, and Kroger to our local economy. We must also remain committed to our small businesses.
• Revitalize the County Executive’s Business & Industry Cabinet to ensure diverse membership with the goal of receiving input from the business community, listening to concerns, and solving problems together
• Add a small business liaison/navigator to ensure people have a point of contact throughout their entrepreneurial journey
• Focus on support for minority and women-owned businesses
• Ensure that our economy works for the 40% of Frederick County households who currently do not meet a survival budget
Public Safety
Police are human beings. So are the people they serve. It’s time our policies reflected that. We ask the police to make split-second decisions while handling mental health distress calls. Let’s give them the backup they need to succeed. As County Executive, I’ll ensure we’re hiring enough of the right mental health professionals, so police have support from experts who are trained to de-escalate these dangerous situations. We’ve already done this with real success in Frederick County, reducing repeat 911 calls and connecting people to long-term solutions and care.
• Support state and federal efforts on common-sense gun reforms that seek to end gun violence and recognize it as a public health crisis
• Protect police officers with high-quality evidence-based training and mental health support
• Fully fund mental health professionals in schools and decrease class sizes so youth have options and hope
Environment & Climate
The climate emergency is one of the most serious issues of our time. I will do everything I can to leave behind a livable Frederick County for our children and grandchildren. I will ensure that we manage growth in a way that benefits our families, businesses, and the environment.
We can preserve agriculture while incentivizing best practices that improve soil quality. We can accommodate new residents and businesses while utilizing smart growth policies that enhance our quality of life and protect public health. And we can build climate resilience while providing new workforce development and green jobs.
• Act on the recommendations from the Livable Frederick framework, as well as the Climate Emergency Mobilization Work Group Final Report
• Ensure that we manage growth in a way that benefits our families, businesses, and the environment
• Strengthen farmland preservation while support farmers’ innovation, by enhancing grants, initiatives, and legislation that allow farmers to thrive as business owners who contribute so much to Frederick County
• Build climate resilience while providing new workforce development and green jobs
Health & Public Services
We must work together to ensure that Frederick County is able to provide world-class public services for all of us. As County Executive, I will collaborate with public leaders to maintain, improve, and enrich the incredible resources that Frederick County has to offer, from health and safety, to housing, recreation, and human services. And I will not ignore the racial disparities in health, housing, safety, and educational outcomes that already existed, and were only exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Recognize racism as a public health crisis and will work to address disparities in health outcomes in our community
• Ensure safe communities by investing in fire & rescue services
• Enhance our community partnerships by using public resources wisely and effectively in a manner that leverages the many successful efforts already underway by our non-profit organizations
• Leave no one behind, including our county’s veterans, senior citizens, and people with disabilities
• Continue my longstanding county leadership on human trafficking and domestic violence prevention efforts
Community Values & Quality of Life
Liberty and freedom. These two fundamental American values are worth protecting. I seek to offer hope, by taking action and standing up for our values. As a woman, a single parent, and an educator, I promise to do my part, and then more, so everyone can freely pursue happiness in their lives.
• Protect the people of Frederick County against attacks on their basic rights and liberties
• Maintain and enhance our public parks, trails, bikeways, recreational opportunities, and community and senior centers that are essential for our growing number of young families, seniors, and everyone in between
• Ensure that our public libraries and cultural spaces continue to be places of learning, refuge, and connection
• Continue my long-standing commitment to Frederick’s immigrant and refugee communities
• Listen to activists and community leaders on the front lines of our county’s pressing social justice issues
• Continue our focus on broadband expansion to rural and suburban communities and utilize federal infrastructure resources wisely
• Partner with and invest in our thriving arts community that helps residents feel a strong sense of place and belonging